However, unless I can one day make a really shiny body, I think I could live with that kind of finish. It looks quite on par with what toy makers provide on toy cars. I can see my own reflection on the finished sections of the model.
I like this example because it highlights different things. First, sanding must be adapted to the defect. Here I should have started with a grosser grade paper, then picked finer ones. As I can testify, there is no need for a long, hard sanding. It just has to be enough to blur the surface evenly. That way, I think there is no need to fear the sight of primer through the paint! Second interesting point is that a grinding compound really grinds. It works as a very fine paper. Third point, even if it is not illustrated in the pictures, wax adds to the shine, and should protect the paint, if I am to believe the indications on the bottle. Fourth point, sanding corrects even major defects. The orange peel effect on the wing qualifies as major in my mind. However, if sufficient paint has been previously applied, there should be no worry about working on the surface of the model. Next time I see orange peel after the final wet coat of paint, I will not bother any more and get some sanding paper.