I created this blog because I could not find the kind of tutorials I needed for some models and miniatures I wanted to build. I hope it will be a useful source of information for anyone who may experience the same lack of first-hand, step-by-step reports.
I am not an expert by any means, so feel free to comment my posts or to contact me to share your advice.

Wednesday, 12 September 2007

Underside of the body

I have cemented the back section of the cover to the halves of the body. The rear bulkhead is in place for positioning and clamping purposes but still movable. The thickness of the various parts in play here is not in the practical range, so I wonder what I will get once the rubber bands are off. I have still not decided how to tackle the sides of the cover. From some period pictures, a gap can clearly be seen. Reproducing the same effect may not be easy. I am not fond of cutting the part as it is too definitive a solution, but I would like to give a more solid look to the body.

I have spread Tamiya putty onto the whole underside to level the joint between the halves and to mask the disastrous battery trapdoor. I am not satisfied by the result. It is smooth but not even in some places, but as it is only the underside, I do not worry about it. I need to patch the line where the nose cone will fit and all will be ready for a first layer of primer.

Tuesday, 11 September 2007

Begining the engine

As work on the body is to take some time, mainly waiting time for the putty to harden, I decided to have a go at the engine. I have sprayed some primer on all the parts still attached to benefit from their being easily accessible to the paint. Of course, there will be some job to cut out flash and mold lines when parts are separated and prepared to be cemented together.

I followed religiously the instruction manual. I first glued the upper part of the block to the gearbox side end, and assembled the lower side of the block (side walls and pan). This sub-assembly was flexible enough when I glued it to the strap and pulley end. My aim was to align the wavy patterns and I will deal with the protruding edges at a later stage.

I then assembled the lower and upper sections in two steps. First I cemented the upper part to the strap end, and once this hard enough I glued the lower part to the gear box end. That gave the free play between part required to make a good alignment in preparation for the cam covers. What is left is a good deal of work on the parting lines to make them disappear.

Wednesday, 5 September 2007

There is shine... and there is shine!

I was not at all impressed by the finish I got from the roof and hood of the Europa. As I ran out of primer when I wanted to start the engine block, I put the Lotus 49 aside and got back to the other one. The first picture is what I had after 1500 and 2000 grade sanding, then 3M rubbing and finally car waxing the body. That is a dull finish, full of seemingly deep scratches that came from who knows where... I went back to a thorough 1500 sanding in order to get rid of the scratches and to have an even surface for the subsequent stages. A light sanding with 2000 grade paper gave also a good result, and I then tried to use 3000 and 4000 grade sanding pads on the roof. I did not think at first that those two pads would be of any use as I had a bad feeling about them. An equivalent paper would be quite smooth to the touch and the pads felt gritty. Anyway it was worth a try and there was no scratch left after having used them. I went on with the rubbing compound and then the wax, only to have a finish no better than the initial one. It was not mirror-like enough for me.

I started over at the 3M compound stage, this time using a soft cotton cloth. After wiping the dried wax, my eyes opened to another kind of reality. That was some serious shine I had in front of me! Just have a look at the second picture to see the difference. I will not pretend the result is perfect, as some defects in the paint are still visible, but it is now much more satisfying. Conclusion: drop the microfiber cloth for polishing and go the soft cotton cloth way.

Tuesday, 4 September 2007

Starting the Lotus 49

I have finally bought the articles in the Modeler Site in order to have some good pictures and answers to my previous interrogations. Mr Allen points out that the inside of the tube can be inserted through the back of the cockpit if the rear bulhead is not cemented, so I decided to go that way. He also seems to make no case of the suspension holes not fitting the shape of the body, so I will let them as they are too, instead of ruining everything. Both halves of the tube are glued together, with the battery door between them. I put the front and rear bulkhead in place and kept them there with soft rubber bands to allow the glue to gel while the parts are in their correct location. Then I cemented the lower and side borders of the front bulkhead to the tube. I placed the cover at that time to give a hint about what the assembly may look like after. I could see that the nose cone will then fit quite well. After a few hours wait, I cemented the front portion (fuel trap) of the cover to the halves of the tube, and only this portion. I do not want to rigidify the whole tube too much before I have a chance to make the adjustment to the nose cone. This time I used stiffer rubber bands in order to maintain a strong and even contact between the glued parts. Furthermore, in Mr Allen's article, the rivets were sacrified to the sake of the shape and in order to get a smooth surface between the cover and the tube, free of any parting line. I want to keep the parting line, and in fact I want to enhance it. Pictures of the real car clearly show how the whole thing came together, and there is definitely a gap between the metal panels which I would like to reproduce. However, the cover is quite thin in that area and I will have to find a good solution to give a realistic look to the final product.

Finally, this picture shows the slight misalignment between the nose and the tube. I will try to correct that by shiming the right side , thus lowering the left one. In theory, of course, because I will have to see how strong the bond between the tube and the cover is before doing anything. I want to avoid any kind of adjustment by grinding through the thickness of the tube.

Yellow stripes

I am close to finishing the tests I wanted to make with the Europa body. I have sprayed two stripes of yellow paint, one one the hood and the other one on the roof. The green paint was applied with a masking tape in place of the stripe, then I peeled the tape to mask the borders of the stripe. All went well as I sprayed the yellow and the end product is not that bad. There are thickness variations at the borders of the stripes, but they level pretty well after sanding with 1500 grade paper. The peeling is a trouble-free operation, paint does not stick to the tape and there is no glue marks on the masked area thanks to the Tamiya product. However, I should have taken a greater care of the various shapes to wrap as paint managed to slip under the tape in small volumes. I guess the unwanted paint could be scraped to leave only the green visible but I did not bother with that.

I took advantage of this operation to make a full polishing and waxing of the roof and the hood, but I am disappointed by the result. The whole areas were sanded with 1500 and 2000 grade paper before rubbing the 3M compound but I have nasty reflections of light. It feels almost as if the lone waxing of the paint in its original state would have given a better shine. I wonder how to correct this for the Lotus 49. I will do another 2000 sanding + rubbing + waxing and see if that changes anything. Maybe I should use an intermediate grade between 1500 and 2000?

Sunday, 2 September 2007

Body of the Lotus 49

OK, there are some surprises in stock with this model. First of all, there is no instruction for painting it. Except the exterior which is perfectly detailed at the end of the manual, there is no indication whatsoever. There is consequently an urgent need to find some good colour pictures of 1967 and mainly close-ups. I have too few of them. In this site, some hints can be made out but the car is a replica, fitted with modern elements, so the interest is real but limited. I will need the Modeler Site guide for detailing, which should give me close up pictures and probably answer some of my questions.

The picture on the left show the parts needed to assemble the whole body of the car. I was readying them today for some fixing at the gaps between them (using Tamiya putty), and bad news abunded.

The rear bulkhead is quite good, apart from some needed touch-ups because of ejector prints in the part. The two halves of the main tube wrap around it very well but it seems there is no symetry as the right half goes a bit more towards the centre of the bulkhead than the left half (see 1).

The front bulkhead is a true nightmare, as there are huge gaps that I cannot explain. In fact, as the two halves of the main tube are exactly symetrical in that area, I guess the defect somes from the bulkhead itself. Unfortunately I have no caliper with me to validate some measurements, but there is a serious problem in that area (see 2). I have also noticed that the holes intended for suspension arms in the bulkhead do not fit exactly with the shape on the tube. I wonder what do so for that. Should I glue parts together, cut through the hole area to conform it with the shape on the tube and then drill other holes? Will I risk a messy suspension assembly, one wheel in the air while the three others are on the shelf?

The lower hinged trap door is to be cemented to the tube, as there is no need for batteries anymore. Tamiya putty will help keep the parts together and gap-free. The cockpit aperture and fuel trap area will have to miraculously fit between the halves of the tube and the two bulkhead. I will have to check whether there should be some gap between body panels or if the putty will be used again.

All of this is a real kick in my rear side as I have always thought the painting stage would be the most difficult one. The body of the car is the car itself. If I make a mess of it, there is no way the model will be a success nor a pleasure to look at. I cross my fingers and hope a good night of sleep will bring some light on the matter at hand.

Saturday, 1 September 2007

Here it is!

It has been a mere week of waiting but here it is, in perfect condition under its factory wrap. This is the fruit of a courteous and efficient deal on eBay, and it was not an expensive one by the way.

The only defective part is one of the decal sheets, which stayed in contact with a printed paper for too long. The ink of the paper sticked to the decal sheet and remained there after I separated both. That is not really a problem as I intended to paint the white areas anyway to keep only the black lettering to transfer. Age took its toll too as some transparent areas turned yellow, which means they are almost unusable.