As with the white paint, mist coats came before wet coats. The yellow paint seems a bit harder to work with. The mist coats were hardly even but then it is not really important at this stage. The wet coats were a bit more like a pain in the backside. I got a nasty run of paint right between a mask and the edge of the chassis, where there are lots of rivet-like imprints. Wet sanding it was a joy but I managed not to soak the tape nor flatten the rivets. The second wet coat was seemingly easier.
I do not like this paint much: it feels as if the yellow does not cover the surface to paint very well. The darker places and the concave zones (like the fuel port of the body) will need some manual touch up, or so I think... I am glad the rest of the body will be a dark green since it will kind of blend those darker zones.
After the final wet coat, I saw that the lower part of the air intake of the nose cone was not sprayed as much as the rest of the part, so I masked everything else and resprayed that area. In fact many of the darker zones of the parts are not quite well covered by paint. For instance, the top edge of the nose cone that comes against the body will need some touching up at the end of the whole painting affair...
Time now to mask the yellow bits!
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